Procedures Related with Tourism
Due to the increase of foreigners that visit our country that due to its attractiveness have decided to establish their permanent domicile in same and in addition that little by little Panama has turned to be in a center of business of international enterprises, Medina & Asociados has incorporated services to the procedures related with tourism.
This service offers the foreigner a complete assistance, counseling and legal representation complete, reliable, diligent and opportune for any of the following procedures:
- Assistance with firm’s expert in relocation
- Consultation and procedures for legalization in the country
- Permits for the introduction of Pets
- Seeking of apartments, Residences, locals and businesses through our suitable experts in Real Estate
- Investigation and Evaluation of Real Estate Title Deeds
- Creation of corporations
- Opening of Accounts
- Organizations of enterprises
- Registration of Businesses, Licenses
- Advise of Operation
- Labor Counseling
- Fiscal Counseling commercial or individual.